Charles Seifert President of the Board
Born. March 31, 1957 in Poznań.
A graduate of the University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, history (1980).
Teacher at Construction Schools Complex No. 1 ibid.
From September 1980 in “S”; co-organizer of the “S” Circle in ZSB No. 1, in July 1981 a delegate to the First WZD of the Wielkopolska Region.
1982-1988 co-organizer of teacher meetings with “S” in the Society of Christ in Poznań; distributor of underground publications, author (nickname Andrzej Korycki), editor of underground magazines: “Teacher”, “Strzecha”, “Independence”.
From 1985, he was a collaborator of the Liberal Democratic Party of Independence. A member of TZR Wielkopolska since 1988.
1988-1989 chairman of the Organizational Committee of Education and Upbringing Employees.
1989-1991 vice-chairman, 1991-1999 chairman of the KU POiW Wielkopolska Region, delegate to the next WZD Wielkopolska Region and the OiW National Section.
In 1990, member of the Poznań-Wilda KO, organizer of local government elections; representative of “S” in the social committee for the destruction of files in the PZPR KW in Poznan;
On June 17, 1991, during a search of his apartment, officers of the Poznań-Wilda District Police Headquarters commandeered the rescued documents. Initiator of social actions: for the removal of the Soviet star towering over the Poznań Citadel, liquidation of the celebrations of February 23 as the anniversary of the liberation of Poznań, change of street names, which were patronized by communists.
1997-2001 in RS AWS, 2001-2008 in PO.
1999-2001 Wielkopolska school superintendent,
from 2002 VI LO in Poznań.
Barbara Fabiańska